4 Tips on Getting Back Together After a Break Up

Better Yourself

Your break up had to happen for a reason. Determine what the problem is and vow to make yourself a better person. Even if the problem was not primarily your fault do what you can to be more honest, compassionate, and faithful every day. Always strive to be a better person today than you were yesterday. Even if you are unable to get back with your ex becoming a better person will help you in every area of your life.

Show Them You Care

To reignite the passion you once felt in your relationship do something for your ex to show them that you still care for them. Write them a love letter, sing them a song, or send them a 'mysterious' gift from their secret admirer. Don't be afraid to embarrass yourself or do something quirky to express your feelings for them. These kind of out of the ordinary moments will go a long way to showing your ex how much you care.

Maintain Poise

While sending them a gift or doing something special for them is a great way to demonstrate your continued feelings you'll want to avoid smothering them. Coming off as desperate or needy after your break up could drive your ex away and end things for good. To avoid this reaction all you need to do is control your reactions so that you don't make the mistake of contacting them day in and day out. You're not back in a relationship yet, so pestering them non-stop with messages will certainly be taken the wrong way.

Meet Them in Person

This is by far the most important part of the entire process. Meeting your ex in person demonstrates your seriousness and willingness to mend the relationship. Avoid discussing the problems or intimate details of your relationship over the phone, through text messages, or over Facebook or any computer software of any kind. These methods of communicating are impersonal and will not have the desired impact you want to really lead to making up with your ex. You want your first deep discussion with your ex to be in person and thus have a personal and meaningful conversation where both of you can fully express yourselves. If you are willing to meet each other in person to talk about the issues your relationship has there is a very good chance you will make up.

There is no step-by-step formula that will always work to make up with your ex. The key is that you are taking the initiative to better yourself and overcome the issues that caused the break up in the first place. Take the time to implement this advice in your life and your ex will have a difficult time staying away.

Are you going through a difficult break up or a troubled period in your relationship? Then you owe it to yourself to check out this website for even more advice and discussion about relationships!

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