Tips for Flirting With a Guy You Like - 3 Tips To Help You Win Him Over

If there is a guy you really like and you can really see yourself being with, then you definitely want to be able to know that you can do whatever it is that you can do to make him feel attracted to you. While you might feel okay about your ability to flirt, you really can't do too much to get yourself feeling more confident in this area because it is the thing that really is going to help you hook the right man. You want to be able to win him over and if your flirting ability is right on the money, that is something that you can do.

Here are 3 tips for flirting with a guy you like that are going to help you win him over:

1. Eye contact is one of the best ways to advance the flirting without having to worry about saying anything at all.

It can be hard to always come up with the right thing to say at the right moment and using your eyes can be a good way to "speak" to a guy without having to worry about saying anything at all. Soft eyes can quickly melt a guy's heart and if you can do that, then you will be able to win him over pretty easily. Don't be afraid to use your eyes to reel in a guy you are attracted to and to build up his attraction for you.

2. Being able to laugh and joke and be playful is usually a welcomed quality.

Who doesn't want to meet someone that they can laugh with and joke around with and not really feel like they have to work too hard to make the sparks fly? If you really are attracted to a guy and you want him to feel like he is falling for you, being able to make him laugh and have that rapport where you can joke around is one of those things that will more than likely set you apart from any other woman.

3. Try to take some of the burden off of him and ask him about himself.

Most guys feel like they are the ones that have to come up with everything to talk about and that can add a lot of pressure to the situation. You can take some of that pressure off of him and make him feel really comfortable around you if you are willing to open up and ask him some questions about him. That way, he doesn't feel like he has to do all of the talking and you are also showing him some interest in who he is.

Would you like to get more tips for flirting with a man you like so that you can make him feel attracted to you?  This is where you want to go:   Dating Advice for Women to find out more.

Copyright (c) 2013 Alexandra Scott.  All Rights Reserved.


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