How to Find a Girlfriend When You Are Lonely

It can be quite challenging to do well with women when you are feeling lonely. For the most part, women can pick up on that vibe and even though most will feel pity for you if they sense that you are a lonely guy, they will not feel attracted to you. There is a huge difference between making a woman feel sorry for you and making her feel like she wants you. If you know how to make her feel like she really wants you, then you have what it takes to make her feel like she wants to be your girlfriend.

Here are some tips to help you find a girlfriend when you are lonely:

1. You have to find a way to get rid of that lonely feeling before you go looking.

Like I said, it is a challenge to end up attracting a woman when you are really feeling lonely and the best thing that you can do for yourself is to get rid of that feeling. Get a group of friends together and go out and have some fun and do whatever you can to rid yourself of that feeling. It's so much easier to actually get a girlfriend when you DON'T feel lonely than it is when you do.

2. You need to be able to get out of your comfort zone around women.

Most men have a comfort zone when they are around women and it is more of that friend or brother type of behavior than it is anything else. You need to get out of the comfort zone and start acting like a guy a woman would want to date. You don't really have much of a chance with most women if you come across as the brother type or the friend type, so don't even bother acting that way. Even if it is uncomfortable at first, remind yourself that you are after what works and not what feels comfortable.

3. You need to be able to get in touch with what kind of woman you want to attract into your life.

One of the problems that comes from being lonely is that you'll feel like you just want a girlfriend so badly that you'll take any woman who comes along. Well, what happens if she is not really right for you? Are you going to be able to detach from her and find someone else? The more in touch you are with what you want and the reason for WHY you want a woman like that, the more likely it is that you'll find someone who is right for you.

Do you want to get more advanced advice on how to find a girlfriend so that you don't have to be lonely anymore?  Go to:   How to Create Sexual Tension to find out MORE...

Copyright (c) 2013 Chris G Tyler.  All Rights Reserved.


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