The Secret to Making Him Notice You

Often times, it seems easy to turn a guy on. There are a million different methods to catch his attention and get him hot. Perhaps you feel like you're not an expert at it, though. Do you want to know a secret? It's way easier than you think, and there is one defining feature that can turn any guy on.

Being a confident woman will get you everywhere with a man! "But that's not so easy when I'm not very confident," you might say. Read on to discover how to appear and feel more confident around men -- you will have them lining up once you master this!

It's Not All About Appearance

It may just sound like something every woman wants to hear, but it's true. Certainly you've seen women with men who are way out of their league. Why can these ladies get the guy they really want? Confidence! Similarly, you've probably seen gorgeous women with men who are well out of their league... why do you think this is? The exact opposite: a lack of confidence. It's not all about looking good. Even women who look like supermodels struggle with confidence issues. Once you realize that it's not all about how you look, you can really begin to grow.

Comfort Equals Confidence

Take a look at the way you dress. Are you dolling yourself up for a night out? Are your heels uncomfortable? Is your dress too tight? Are those earrings annoying to wear? No matter how good you think you look standing in front of the mirror, if you feel awkward in your attire it will be obvious. Wear clothes that make you feel comfortable about your appearance AND your movements. When you can move confidently, you convey confidence. It's really that simple!

Body Language Speaks Volumes

Remember what your mother told you: stand up straight! A woman hunched over a bar stool who is afraid to make eye contact does not command attention. A woman who stands tall and addresses people with full eye contact can have the entire room at her fingertips. Avoid fidgeting or other awkward movements. Standing up straight will not only give off the impression of confidence, it is bound to make you feel more confident. It may sound silly, but acting the part will help you feel it.

Be You

Independence goes hand in hand with confidence when dealing with men. Don't be afraid to express your ideas and opinions in conversation. Don't attempt to agree with a guy you're attracted to just so that you don't displease him. Having your own thoughts is sexy! A good conversation is way more intense than a girl that just smiles and nods her way through an interaction with a man.

To find out more about how to get male attention, click Signs He Wants You. You'll learn all the secrets to make a man Fall in Love with you.

Hannah Fairfield is a dating and relationship expert. Her passion is to write informative articles for women who want to improve their love lives. Visit her site for more information.

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