My Ex Girlfriend Is Available Again - Should I Try to Win Her Back?

Soon after the break up, your ex girlfriend started dating someone and you were left at your wits end to try to deal with knowing that she was having fun with someone else. Somehow, you were able to get through it okay and now, you find out that she is available again. She isn't dating that other guy anymore and that makes you start to wonder. Should you try to win her back?

Of course, that really comes down to what you want, but my guess is that you do kind of want to see whether or not you can date her again. If that is the way that you feel, then you should know that it might be easier than you think to date your ex girlfriend again.

Here are some tips so that you can handle yourself in a smooth and appealing manner:

1. See if you can get in contact with your ex girlfriend so that you can hear it from her and then extend your apologies that things didn't work out.

Most guys are going to call up their ex girlfriend and immediately talk about how much of a jerk that guy she was dating must have been and sound way too enthusiastic about her being single. And they are going to get met with an awkward response from their ex girlfriend if they do that. What you want to do is just hear it from her that she is single again and then mention that you are sorry that it turned out that way and you were hoping that it would have. This will catch her off guard and she won't think that the reason why you are calling is to jump on the opportunity to date her again. It's a much better way to set the stage.

2. Ask her if she wants to hang out and have some fun.

Don't say that you want to talk about her break up or anything like that. That's what guy friends who don't date the girl they like do. You just want to set it up like you want to take her out to have some fun so that she gets her mind off of the guy she broke up with. As long as she doesn't think it is just a ploy to win her back, she probably will. Here is the thing - you really DO want to have some fun with her and that should be your only motive.

3. See if you can see her again, and this time, make it kind of a date scenario, but don't call it a date.

Here is why this is good. When you already have shown her that spending time with you again can be a lot of fun, it's not going to take much to convince her to go out with you again. This time, make it kind of like a date thing, so that she thinks of it that way, but it isn't really implied or stated that it is. That way, her mind is already leaning towards dating you, and when you can show her that it's going to be a good time, she'll be more likely to want to keep on dating you.

Dating your ex girlfriend again can be a very good thing to do,  if you know that you still like her.  Go to:   Get My Ex Girlfriend Back to find out more about what you need to do.

Copyright (c) 2013 Chris G. Tyler All Rights Reserved.

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