The Truth About Why Women Reject Men

Think back to the last time someone was desperate to get you to give them something. Maybe it was the pushy electronics store salesman who wouldn't take no for an answer. Or maybe it was your loser friend who doesn't want to go to a movie by himself, so he pesters you to go with him.

How did you react? Not too well I bet.

Psychologists and human behaviorists have conducted numerous studies proving that we hate clingy people trying to leech off us. It's a natural, normal reaction that's a fundamental part of our human nature.

And conversely, one of the greatest things that attracts us is when someone does not need us.

The most groundbreaking discovery I made with women is that they reject men who reek of desperation. When you're needy, it sends out subconscious signals saying "I have low value."

So think back to the times you've been rejected. I bet if you really think about it, you'll find that most of the time you were needy.

In order to attract women, we must always be confident and have an authority about us. Don't apologize, act uncertain or try too hard for their approval.

Your complete confidence that any woman would be lucky to have you must permeate every fiber of your being as you go throughout your day talking to women. Your strong, positive energy must express itself and draw them into your reality. You attract women by simply vibing with women, not from begging like a puppydog.

Get into that high value state of mind and you'll have an aura that draws women to you. It's that easy.

Now that you know the main reason why women reject men, and what to do about it, here's another bombshell for you: stop thinking in terms of you making a woman feel attracted to you. All that does is repel rather than attract her.

What you should do instead is take the desire for a man that she already has and direct it toward you. And you do that simply by demonstrating your attractive qualities that you've already got. Not by trying to trick the woman or scam her.

One mindset is like a magnetic force pulling women to you. The other chases them away.

Think about it from a woman's perspective for a minute. Imagine you meet a man who is exciting and has a lot going on in his life, is a guy who oozes sexuality, and is calm and in control. You're going to feel like you've found the man you've been looking for. He meets the desire you already had.

Now contrast this with a guy who comes up to you being needy and desperate. He struggles to say pick up lines to you. His body language is low status. His clothes look like he's trying too hard to impress you. This guy is wasting your time, and you're going to tell him to get lost.

So think "attractive aura" not "I've-got-to-create-a-good-impression." Remember, you never have to create attraction for you.

This means being a whole new you. While other guys are out there trying to trick women with their "game," you're becoming an irresistible alpha male who attracts women like Casanova.

John Alexander, recognized as one of the world's foremost dating experts, has written a guide called How to Become an Alpha Male. Learn more about why women reject men, and what you can do about it -- to make sure you become the Alpha Male who's never again troubled by it! -- by going to

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